Some words are used interchangeably. Some people describe any soda as a “Coke.” Depending on the sentence and context, calling something “bad” could be either positive or negative. Like “Coke” and “bad,” Guardianship and custody are distinct legal concepts...
Resolving your divorce as peacefully as possible might sound like something written by a life coach, not a divorce attorney. Although this topic may not appear lawyerly at first glance, every divorce does not need to be World War Three. Divorce can be...
Breakups are painful. Even “clean” and amicable breakups can be life-altering. Unfortunately, not every breakup is a clean break. Some shattered relationships include contentious divorce or custody cases that cut deep. There are two sides to every...
DUI AND CHILD VISITATION — WHAT CAN I DO IF MY EX DROVE MY CHILD WHILE DRUNK? Earlier this week, Albuquerque media covered the story of a mother that crashed while driving under the influence, killing her seven year old child. According to the...
Your judge finally signed your Final Decree of Dissolution of Marriage. Congratulations – you’ve reached the finish line of your divorce. After months of attorneys, discovery, litigation, hearings, mediation, and possibly a trial – you are finally divorced. A...
Are you looking for information on how unemployment will impact your divorce and child support in Albuquerque? You are not alone. Economic uncertainty is the new normal and unemployment issues are increasingly impacting divorce and child support cases across...