Can I Win a Restraining Order of Protection Hearing in New Mexico?


Are you wondering, “Can I Win a Restraining Order Of Protection Hearing in New Mexico?” If so, possibly you have been served with a Temporary Restraining Order(tro) and Order to Appear.  Alternatively, maybe you requested a restraining order and are seeking information about the upcoming hearing and overall process.

Either way, a restraining order court hearing is quickly approaching.  Here are some suggestions for winning at your restraining order of protection hearing in New Mexico.




The first step to winning your court restraining order of protection hearing is to take the process seriously.  At times, people mistakenly believe that the restraining order process is trivial and doesn’t need to be taken seriously. This misbelief may be formed by:

  • The hearing being set before a Special Commissioner;
  • A hand-written petition/request;
  • Talking with family or friends; or
  • Seemingly bogus claims.

Despite these facts, a restraining order process can have serious consequences.  For instance, a restraining order can impact your security clearances, housing, employment, or custody or visitation case. Consequently, failing to take the process serious is a big mistake.

With that in mind, show up on time.  Next, be prepared.  For instance, are you prepared for the restraining order court hearing– or are you winging it?  It is a horrible strategy to “wing it” through your order of protection hearing.  You may crash land by winging the process. In doing so, you may suffer long term consequences.

Win your restraining order in new mexico by taking the process seriously.




Have you been served with a Temporary Restraining Order (tro) restraining order and Order to Appear?  If so, you need to take your order seriously.  You see, violating your order can quickly sink your case.

Judges and Hearing Officers hate when restraining orders are not followed.  Therefore, violating a court order is a quick way to start your case on the wrong foot.  Consequently, you will be stepping into court at a disadvantage.  In turn, this disadvantage may create bad momentum that leads to a loss.

Take matters into your own hands.  Increase your chances of winning your restraining order of protection hearing by following all orders.  Do not contact the protected party.  Moreover, do not come within 100 yards of the protected party.

With that said, following orders is a two-way street.  The protected party also needs to follow the Temporary Restraining Order/TRO.  You see, the protected party loses credibility by contacting the restrained party while the TRO is pending.  In this respect, it’s hard to convince a Hearing Officer that a restraining order is needed to prevent an immediate threat of future harm, when the protected party is actively contacting the restrained party.




Are you interested in winning your restraining order of protection case?  If yes, it is essential to be informed about restraining order of protection laws and the overall process.  In doing so, immediately speak with an experienced family violence attorney.  Are children involved with the protective order?  If yes, you should speak with an experienced family abuse and custody attorney about your unique case and facts.

An experienced domestic violence and custody attorney can help you understand how the restraining order can impact your custody and visitation. An experienced domestic violence family law attorney can also spot and fight against false allegations.

Failing to speak with a tested restraining order attorney can stain your ongoing restraining order and visitation rights case.  Moving forward, this stain can stick with your court custody case for years.




Every restraining order and custody case if different.  Some restraining orders and custody are clearly needed – based on significant abuse that clearly demonstrates an immediate threat of future harm.  On the other hand, some restraining orders and custody fall in the middle and can go either way.

Small facts can tip gray area cases towards a win or loss.  Seemingly small facts can be the difference between winning or losing at your restraining order of protection hearing.

For example, Hearing Officers have unique backgrounds, beliefs, personalities, and philosophies.  As such, your Hearing Officer may find specific evidence more compelling or concerning.  Moreover, your Hearing Officer may find specific comments or actions more offensive or abusive than the next.

The interplay between your Hearing Officer and evidence can be the difference between a win or loss.  Every case is different.  Therefore, it is essential to speak with an experienced restraining order attorney.  A seasoned and successful attorney has a deep history and can compare your case with past, similar cases.  This experience can be the difference between winning and losing.




Whether you are the restrained or protected party, act and increase your chances of winning at your restraining order in Albuquerque, NM.  Talk with a seasoned and best lawyer for domestic violence
and custody attorney in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  For over a decade, Sanchez has won restraining orders of protection hearing across New Mexico.  Call an attorney that knows NM restraining orders.  Call (505) SANCHEZ.


Matthew Legan Sanchez

Published by
Matthew Legan Sanchez

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