Talk with a Top Divorce and Custody Attorney in New Mexico


Are you facing divorce or child custody issues in Albuquerque, New Mexico?  If so, it is essential to talk with a top divorce and child custody attorney in New Mexico.

You see, it is essential to understand how New Mexico law impacts your unique case. Moreover, it’s important to understand how your unique county, courthouse, and judge blend with your case’s facts and issues.

Seasoned legal advice can help you understand your rights and options.  In other words, a top divorce and custody attorney in New Mexico can help protect what matters most – your family.

An experienced Albuquerque family law attorney can also caution you from filing motions or making statements that negatively impact your case.

Most importantly, a top divorce and custody attorney can ensure that your rights and interests are protected throughout the process.

Here are some issues to consider before diving into your case without consulting with a seasoned attorney.




Most times, dealing with your ex is an unpleasant experience.  This unpleasant feeling is magnified when discussing child custody or support issues.

For example, requesting financial information to calculate child support can be like pulling teeth. This painful process often includes guilt manipulation, or outright lies.

Step back and let your lawyer step up.

In doing so, allow your lawyer to take the steering wheel and navigate around a difficult ex.

For example, your lawyer can request necessary financial information.  Most importantly, your lawyer can interact and communicate with your ex, or your ex’s attorney.

This creates a buffer between you and your ex.

Finally, confronting your ex in court can be a harrowing experience.  What’s more, testifying and being subject to cross-examination can be extremely stressful.

Before diving into court, talk with a top divorce and child custody attorney in New Mexico.




Family court cases can be contentious.  Sometimes they get downright ugly.

Let your attorney become the bad guy. Let your attorney deal with your annoying or abusive ex.

In doing so, cut off harassing or offensive communication and let your attorney do the talking.

With divorce, let your attorney cut through the manipulation, lies, and insults.  Your attorney can get the necessary financial information to complete your divorce.

At times, manipulative or controlling relationships involve one spouse being cut off from the finances.  Consequently, this spouse may be left in the dark with financial aspects.

For example, one spouse may not know the other spouse’s income.  Moreover, this spouse might not have mortgage, retirement, vehicle, or bank information.

This information is essential to complete the necessary Marital Settlement Agreement to finalize a divorce.

Your attorney can handle retrieving and interpreting this financial information. Also, your attorney can require the other side to provide all necessary information.

An experienced divorce and child custody attorney can reduce the stress of litigation.  Your attorney can help deflect negative interactions and communications with your ex.

Hire an experienced family law attorney.

In doing so, let your attorney become the bad guy with your ex.




Unfortunately, New Mexico laws can be archaic and confusing.   Most times, laws are not written like a page-turning novel.  Instead, the laws can be outdated, trudging, and confusing.

Civil procedure involves the process of properly filing, serving, and responding to legal documents.  This process is often technical and confusing.

Nevertheless, failing to follow proper procedure can hurt your case.

For these reasons, it is essential to talk with a top divorce and child custody attorney in New Mexico.




Sadly, many divorce and child custody cases involve an abusive relationship.  Consequently, these divorce and custody cases often intersect with a restraining order of protection.

Are you going through a divorce or custody case that involves a restraining order of protection?  If yes, it is essential to speak with an experienced family law and domestic violence attorney.

An experienced restraining order and divorce attorney can explain how the two processes intertwine.

Watch this video for more information on how restraining orders impact divorce cases in New Mexico.





Child custody cases often include a restraining order element.  For married parents, the child custody case begins as a divorce.  For unmarried parents, the custody case begins through a paternity case.

In either situation, the divorce or custody case (DM Court) can collide with a restraining order (DV Court).

Both courts intersect and impact one another.   For example, a restraining order being entered can greatly impact a parent’s long term custody case – either through a divorce or paternity action.

So, it is essential to understand how the two courts work together.

A top divorce and child custody attorney understands how these two courts work together, greatly impacting your case.

Watch this video for more information about restraining orders involving children.





Sometimes “simple” cases break bad and turn ugly.

At times, a divorce or custody case seems straightforward.  Moreover, the two sides may agree on most issues.  Nevertheless, a few key issues may prevent a complete agreement.

As time passes, the unresolved issues can create increasing conflict and disagreement.  This conflict can then spillover onto other areas.

For example, a couple facing divorce may agree on all issues other than alimony or child support.  This disagreement can then grow and corrupt other areas – such as cars, the martial home, or other assets.

With child custody cases, the parents may agree on all issues other than holiday visitation.  However, the holiday disagreements can grow and spread to other necessary agreements.

In other words, sometimes tentative agreements are corrupted over time.

When this happens, an experienced child custody and divorce attorney can help the stalled agreement move forward.  Either through litigation, or facilitation, the attorney can move the case forward to completion.




Looking for a top divorce and child custody attorney in Albuquerque, New Mexico?

Look no further!

Sanchez is a top-rated divorce and child custody attorney in Albuquerque, NM.  For fourteen years, Sanchez has handled the most complex contested divorce, child custody, and restraining order cases.

Also, Sanchez routinely handles uncontested divorce cases across NM.

Schedule a consultation today to discuss your legal rights and needs.  Also, get the expert guidance you need to navigate this difficult time.

Our experienced attorneys are here to help you every step of the way.

Call (505) SANCHEZ today.



Matthew Legan Sanchez

Published by
Matthew Legan Sanchez

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