MEN RECEIVING ALIMONY AND CHILD SUPPORT IN ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO: THE TIMES ARE A-CHANGING According to recent data, women are the primary breadwinner in 40% of the households where both spouses work and there are children under 18. The number of fathers that are...
We all make mistakes. Take a look at your grade school pictures if you believe that you are somehow immune to bad decisions. That shirt. Those black suspenders. Don’t even get me started on the mangled and self-inflicted haircut. They all seemed like bulletproof...
UNDERSTANDING FAMILY COURT JUDGES IN ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO In my younger and more vulnerable years of practicing law I naively believed that judges were all-knowing beings floating above mere mortals, but grounded enough to objectively render decisions that...
I have a confession to make, I have a love/hate relationship with Orders of Protection. I really do. At times my heart is filled with love and thanksgivings when thinking about how an order of protection offers an extra layer of security to individuals that...
Interested in establishing and changing child custody and parental visitation in Albuquerque, New Mexico ? In some instances a parent grows and desires to have a deeper and more meaningful relationship with their child. Maybe the parent has overcome...