UNDERSTANDING FAMILY COURT JUDGES IN ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO In my younger and more vulnerable years of practicing law I naively believed that judges were all-knowing beings floating above mere mortals, but grounded enough to objectively render decisions that...
WHAT IS A PRENUPTIAL AGREEMENT IN ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO? A prenuptial agreement in Albuquerque, New Mexico is a contract that determines how one’s assets and liabilities will be distributed upon divorce. Because Albuquerque, New Mexico is a “community...
Grandparent visitation in Albuquerque, New Mexico often stirs memories and emotions. There’s something about the summertime that stirs memories and some of my favorite childhood memories are painted between the lines of time that I spent with my grandparents....
I have a confession to make, I have a love/hate relationship with Orders of Protection. I really do. At times my heart is filled with love and thanksgivings when thinking about how an order of protection offers an extra layer of security to individuals that...
SERVING DIVORCE PAPERS THROUGH FACEBOOK ABC News released a report yesterday that a judge in New York is allowing a woman to serve her husband with divorce papers through Facebook – for the first time in New York history. According to the report, the woman...