Can I Stop a Contested Divorce in New Mexico?


Spouses facing divorce often desire a smooth divorce process.  To this end, a contested divorce usually involves more emotional and financial cost than an uncontested divorce.  This contrast begs the question: “Can I stop a contested divorce in New Mexico?”




A contested divorce in New Mexico involves spouses that disagree on any martial issue necessary to complete the divorce.  Financially, these martial issues involve dividing community property.  Examples include property/debt division, alimony, and attorney fees.

When children are involved, spouses must agree on custody, visitation, and child support.

Contested divorce usually means conflict.  In turn, conflict can mean high octane emotions.  At times, a contested divorce can include a stampede of emotions running wild.  These wild emotions may lead the couple into court.

The assigned judge decides a couple’s future if the spouses cannot agree on all the martial issues.  Divorce settlement can occur in many forms.  First, the parties can agree without attorneys.  Second, divorce attorneys can communicate and reach an agreement.  Third, the two sides can participate in divorce settlement facilitation.  When one through three fails, the couple usually falls into divorce court.

Divorce court can be like any sporting event – there are no guarantees.  In divorce court, the couple no longer has the power to decide their divorce terms.  Instead, the assigned judge decides the couple’s future.




No.  All divorces are not contested.  Most divorce cases can be resolved without litigation, or court room appearances.

Nevertheless, spouses sometimes believe that all divorces are dramatic and contested affairs.  However, many divorces are mild and can be accomplished without contention or a hurricane of negative emotions.

Spouses can avoid a potentially long and drawn-out divorce process with an uncontested divorce.  Do you want to avoid a long and drawn-out divorce process?  Are you looking to stop a contested divorce in New Mexico?  If so, it is essential to understand and accept New Mexico divorce laws.  Many contested divorces involve spouse with unrealistic expectations.

Next, avoid fighting with your spouse.  Side-stepping potential fights increases the likelihood of reaching an amicable agreement.  Moreover, avoiding fights and negativity reduces the chances of a restraining order of protection being entered.

Divorce typically isn’t a “hug-fest” that is filled with friendly emotions.  Nevertheless, divorce doesn’t need to be a life-altering brawl.  Couples that approach divorce with a positive mindset, avoiding fights and negativity, are good candidates for an uncontested divorce.




An attorney cannot stop a contested divorce from happening.  For instance, even the top/best divorce lawyer or attorney in New Mexico cannot force the other side to act reasonably.  However, an experienced divorce attorney can help a spouse understand NM divorce law.  In doing so, understanding NM law can potentially help both sides reach an amicable agreement that is based on law – not raw emotion.

At times, one side may feel bitter about the divorce.  When this happens, the bitter side may desire to inflict pain through a long and drawn-out process.  Most experienced and respected contested and uncontested divorce lawyers will say that prolonging a divorce out of spite is a bad divorce move.  In fact, an attorney saying otherwise is a tell-tale sign that you should seek representation elsewhere.

Do you want to end your divorce as drama free as possible?  If so, it is essential to speak with a tested and trusted contested and uncontested divorce attorney.  An experienced attorney can help you understand how NM law applies to your marriage.  Moreover, seasoned legal counsel can help you to find legal solutions – rather than unnecessary conflict and contention.




Are looking for an contested and uncontested divorce attorney that can help you avoid a contested divorce in New Mexico?  Our legal team will provide you with best options on how to achieve an uncontested divorce.  In doing so, we can provide skilled and seasoned representation across New Mexico.  You and your family deserve top shelf legal representation.  You deserve (505) SANCHEZ.


Matthew Legan Sanchez

Published by
Matthew Legan Sanchez

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