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Small Child Full Legal Custody Factors Add Up to a Win


Small child full legal custody factors add up to a win.  Your child full custody goals are not always accomplished through massive factors that show a parent is unfit to care for a child.  Instead, small issues can add up and tilt the scales in your favor.

Small problems can leave your child legal custody case grounded.  Here are some small child full legal custody factors that help your case soar.



Communication issues reveal cracks in the co-parenting relationship.  These cracks can cause judges to believe that the parents are not capable of effectively co-parenting.  Consequently, this belief can cause judges to resist 50-50 child visitation based on the belief that the child is best served by one primary household.

Are communication issues present?  If so, your judge will likely decide which parent is the source of the problem.  In doing so, your judge will determine which parent is likely to prevent frequent and regular contact with the absent parent.

Family law cases that end up in court frequently have one parent that is acting unreasonably.  Because of this tendency, your judge will be on the lookout for clues that showcase which parent is the source of the communication issues.  Your willingness to work and communication with the other parent will be noted.

Small changes to your communication style can add up to success.




How is your child doing in school?  Is your child having any of the following problems:

  • Acting out in school or having behavioral issues?
  • Poor grades?
  • Excessive tardiness or absences?

Is your child thriving or struggling in school?

Is your home closer to your child’s school than the other parent?  Does your child have friends from school that live in your neighborhood?

Is your child having difficulties adjusting to life after a marital separation or divorce?  Are these difficulties becoming apparent through emotional outbursts, or poor performance in school?  Small cracks can lead to big canyons over time.  Parents should always aim towards providing a child with consistency and predictability.  Ultimately, your case grows stronger when you strengthen the stability and consistency in your home.




Judges are human and humans come in many different varieties.  Judges have different hobbies, preferences, temperaments, and beliefs.  Similarly, each judge has different beliefs and perspectives regarding child custody issues.

Some parents wrongfully believe that the path towards child custody success is found through bad-mouthing and criticizing the other parent.  Some parents mistakenly believe that appearing angry throughout the legal process shows that the parent is passionate about their child.

Parents may believe that family law judges enjoy highly emotional cases where verbal blows are thrown on both ends.  This belief is misplaced.  Family law judges prefer:

  • Parents to work out their issues;
  • Parents to resolve non-emergencies issues outside of court; and
  • Parents to co-parent and focus on the child, rather than attack the other parent.

Child full legal custody hearings should be focused on the child – not attacking the other parent.  Focus on demonstrating that you can provide your child with a safe, nurturing, and positive home environment. In doing so, show your judge that your safe and stable home is closely connected to your child’s friends, school, and community.

Your judge wants to see that you will encourage a positive relationship with your ex and child.  Focusing on attacking and criticizing the other parent raises red flags in your judge’s mind.  In turn, these red flags cause the judge to view you through suspicious eyes.

Focus on your relationship with your child – not on your ex’s faults.




Are you requesting a parental visitation schedule that works with your life and schedule?  Are you requesting 50-50 timesharing, but work a job that requires long hours, overtime, and travel?

Be realistic about what you are requesting.  The visitation that you are requesting may require your child to be with a third-party caretaker rather than the other parent.  An unrealistic request can cause your judge to view you as being unreasonable – hurting rather than helping your case.

Focus on changing your life – not your child’s.

Is your job far away from your child’s school?  Are you interested in a new home that is outside of your child’s school district?  Is your new home in a different neighborhood from your child’s friends, sports, and activities?  If so, focus on changing your environment – not your child’s.




The path towards effective co-parenting is often filled with hurdles and emotional scars that make co-parenting difficult.  Here are some common co-parenting mistakes that you can learn from and improve:

  • Don’t use your children to get information about the other parent;
  • Stop arguing in front of your children;
  • Never bad-mouth the absent parent;
  • Your child shouldn’t know about your legal case, issues, or arguments about the absent parent; and
  • Stop sharing personal information about the other parent with your child.

Growing up and understanding this complex world is a full-time job for children.  Divorce and legal marital separation adds over-time to your child’s full time job. Providing your child with unnecessary information adds stress that can overwhelm your child.

Focus on your child’s emotional needs.  You should vent your problems and frustrations to a trained professional – not your child.




Are you going through a divorce or separation and need sound legal advice?  For over a decade, Matthew Sanchez has guided child full legal custody cases all across New Mexico, including: Rio Rancho, Los Lunas, Belen, Gallup, Santa Fe, Estancia/Socorro. Talk to the trusted and best child legal custody attorney.  Talk to (505) SANCHEZ.


Small Child Custody Factors Add Up to a Win in New Mexico

Matthew Legan Sanchez

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