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The Road Less Traveled: A Practical Guide to Uncontested Divorce


Embarking on a journey towards divorce in Albuquerque, New Mexico is never easy.   Instead, hiking the rocky path towards divorce can be an overwhelming and emotional experience. However, there is an alternative route that can lead to a more peaceful and amicable resolution: uncontested divorce in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

In this practical guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of uncontested divorce, offering valuable insights and helpful tips for those seeking a smoother divorce process in NM. Unlike a traditional divorce, an uncontested divorce iinvolves both parties agreeing on the divorce’s necessary terms.  These divorce terms include division of assets/debts, and alimony.

Are children involved?  If yes, then child custody, visitation, and child support issues need to be resolved.

Choosing the path of an amicable and uncontested divorce enables couples to not only save time and money but also minimize the stress and animosity of a litigated divorce. In other words, both spouse’s mental wellbeing can be improved with an uncontested divorce in Albuquerque, NM.

Throughout this guide, we will outline the step-by-step process of securing an uncontested divorce.  In doing so, we will spotlight crucial information such as the necessary legal documentation, the importance of open communication, and the involvement of a neutral attorney or mediator.

Finally, we will explore common concerns and provide strategies for effectively negotiating agreements that are fair and satisfactory for both parties. Take a seat as Sanchez Legal Team takes you on a journey through the uncontested divorce process in New Mexico.

Along the way, we will guide you towards a better understanding of uncontested divorces.




An uncontested divorce means that both spouses are in complete agreement regarding the necessary divorce issues and terms.  On the financial side, these issues include dividing community property/debt, and alimony.

On the child side, the parties must also be in complete agreement regarding custody, visitation, and child support.

By choosing this path, couples can avoid the lengthy and costly court battles commonly associated with divorce. Instead, they can focus on meeting in the middle and finding mutually agreeable solutions.

In the short term, the parties create a more amicable separation and divorce.  In the long term, the spouses begin on amicable terms and can potentially avoid a future filled with attorneys and litigation.

One of the key advantages of an uncontested divorce is the ability to control a divorce’s terms and outcome. By working together to reach an agreement, couples can ensure that their needs and interests are taken into consideration. This collaborative approach can lead to a more peaceful resolution, reducing the emotional strain on both parties involved.




In addition to the control it provides, uncontested divorce offers several other key advantages. First, it is often a quicker process compared to contested divorce. Without the need for extensive court proceedings, couples can finalize their divorce quicker, allowing them to move on to the next chapter in their lives.

Financially, uncontested divorces are often considerably cheaper than a contested and litigated divorce. By avoiding the costs associated with litigation, such as attorney fees and court costs, couples can save a significant amount of money. This can be particularly beneficial for couples who are amicable and willing to work towards meeting in the middle.

Finally, uncontested divorces are often far less emotionally draining. You see, the collaborative nature of the process encourages open communication and compromise.  In turn, this can lead to a more positive experience for both parties. By focusing on finding solutions rather than engaging in conflict, couples can preserve their well-being and minimize the negative impact on their children, if any.

Are you considering a divorce in Albuquerque, New Mexico?  If so, consider the emotional cost and toll of a contentious divorce.  Ultimately, life is short and each moment counts.




There are several crucial steps to take before starting an uncontested divorce.

First, seek professional advice. In this regard, it is crucial to consult with an experienced attorney who specializes in uncontested divorce. A skilled and experienced attorney can provide guidance on the legal requirements and help you understand the implications of your decisions.

Second, consider your options.  In doing so, take time to evaluate your options and determine if an uncontested divorce is the right decision for you. Consider the advantages and disadvantages.  Next, have a frank and open discussion with your spouse to ensure you are both on the same page.

Third, gather necessary financial information.  For instance, you will need to gather important documents, such as financial statements, tax returns, and any prenuptial agreements.  Moreover, you should know about your bank accounts, retirement accounts, and home mortgage.

Having these necessary documents readily available can help you streamline the process of your uncontested divorce.  Also, full transparency can help you to avoid unnecessary conflict, or looking shady.




Choosing the right uncontested divorce attorney is essential when pursuing an amicable process. Therefore, look for an attorney who specializes in family law and has experience in uncontested cases. A highly experienced divorce attorney should be knowledgeable about the laws in your jurisdiction and have a track record of successfully handling uncontested divorces.

When meeting with potential attorneys, ask about their approach to uncontested divorce.  Dig around. It is important to find an attorney who understands your goals and is committed to guiding you through the process with compassion and professionalism.




The heart of an uncontested divorce lies in the negotiation of terms and the creation of a Marital Settlement Agreement (MSA). The MSA outlines the division of assets/debts, and alimony/spousal support.

Are children involved?  If yes, then you also need a Parenting Plan.  The Parenting Plan handles child custody, visitation, and child support.

All issues must be resolved.  It isn’t enough to resolve 98% of your divorce issues.  Instead, you need complete agreement on all issues.  Consequently, one unresolved issue creates a contested divorce.

To negotiate effectively, it is crucial to maintain open lines of communication with your spouse. Approach the discussions with a willingness to compromise and find solutions that work for both parties.

Remember that the goal is to reach a fair and mutually beneficial agreement, so be prepared to give and take.

In other words, both sides should expect to give a little. In doing so, the two sides can meet in the middle.




Once you have reached an agreement with your spouse, it is time to file your uncontested divorce. The specific requirements and procedures vary by jurisdiction.  For example, Sandoval County may have different requirements than Santa Fe, or Bernalillo Counties.  Therefore, it is important to consult with an uncontested divorce attorney that has experience across New Mexico.

Typically, the filing will involve submitting the necessary paperwork to the court. This includes the Petition, MSA, Parenting Plan (if children are involved), and the Final Decree.

After reviewing the documents, the court signs the Final Decree.  Once the Final Decree is signed, you are officially divorced.



Once the court process is complete, your uncontested divorce is finalized. It is important to ensure that all the terms of the settlement agreement are followed. This may involve transferring assets, updating legal documents, and finalizing any necessary financial arrangements.

Failing to follow the divorce terms can lead to a Motion to Enforce Judgement being filed.

By adhering to the terms of the agreement, you can ensure a smooth transition into your post-divorce life. It is also important to seek support from friends, family, or professional counselors to help you navigate the emotional journey of moving forward.

Choosing the road less traveled by opting for an uncontested divorce can provide a more peaceful and cost-effective path to end your marriage. By understanding the advantages, taking the necessary steps, and working with the right professionals, you can navigate this unfamiliar path with confidence.

Remember, an uncontested divorce empowers you to maintain control over the outcome, prioritize your well-being, and foster a more amicable separation. By choosing this path, you can pave the way for a new chapter in your life that is free from court interference and involvement.

So, if you find yourself at a crossroads, consider taking the road less traveled and embark on the journey of an uncontested divorce in Albuquerque, New Mexico. With the knowledge and tools provided in this practical guide, you can navigate this challenging time with grace, dignity, and a sense of empowerment.

Check out this video for more information about an uncontested divorce in Albuquerque, New Mexico.



Matthew Legan Sanchez

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