Sometimes Both Parents/Spouses Leave Divorce Court Unhappy


Sometimes both parents/spouses leave divorce court unhappy in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

You see, divorce can be a difficult and emotional process for both parties involved. Consequently, sometimes both spouses leave the divorce court feeling dissatisfied with the outcome.

This deflated feeling also applies to custody and visitation cases.

Sadly, divorce and child custody cases often leave both parties feeling like they’ve lost something important.

Moreover, sometimes appearing in court doesn’t turn out the way that both sides envisioned. For example, family court rarely has clear “winners” and “losers.”

As one judge put it, “In family court there are no winners or losers – there is only shades of losing.”

Let’s explore why sometimes both spouses leave divorce court unhappy in Albuquerque, New Mexico.




There’s a saying in divorce and child custody court that a good order makes both sides equally unhappy.  In other words, sometimes family court judge’s “split the baby” with legal issues.

In doing so, the judge may create an order that leaves both sides feeling dissatisfied.  This is especially common with cases where both sides are fit to raise the child.

In other words, a custody case can be one-sided when one parent is fit – and the other parent is unfit.

For example, one parent may have a clean and stable lifestyle.  Conversely, the other parent may have substance abuse, mental health issues, criminal record, or other issues that impact the child’s best interests.

With these lopsided cases, the court may enter a lopsided or one-sided order.  For instance, the court may enter a restraining order of protection that grants one parent temporary, sole legal custody.

Moving forward, this temporary order could impact the divorce or child custody case.

Nevertheless, a case where both parents are fit may result in an order that makes both sides feel equally unhappy with the process and outcome.




It’s important to remember that family court judges are elected officials.  Often, people complain about Albuquerque family court judges.  In doing so, these same people tend to gloss over the fact that judges are elected officials.

Ironically, the same people that post online complaints may be missing from the ballot box come election time.

In any event, judges can be elected out of office.

I bring up this fact because most elected officials do not want to alienate large segments of potential voters.

This concept also applies to family court judges tending to enter orders that make both sides equally unhappy.

To be sure, family court judges can and often do enter orders that lean in one side’s favor.  For example, family court judges routinely enter restraining orders or grant one parent sole legal custody.  Nevertheless, these situations are the exception rather than the norm.

In other words, most divorce and child custody cases end with joint legal custody and visitation in the child’s best interests.

Undoubtedly, the judge’s opinion of a visitation schedule that reflects the child’s best interests often does not mirror the parents’ opinion.  But with that said, a parent being awarded sole legal custody is the exception and not the norm.




Anger is like fire.  At times, a fire that ravishes a home builds momentum and moves to neighboring homes.

In other words, a fire often doesn’t stop just because the initial home burns down.  Instead, the fire needs a new home to attack.

Divorce and child custody cases sometimes are like fire.

At times, parents are angry about how or why a relationship ended.  In these situations, one or both spouses may feel compelled to fight through family court.

In other situations, one parent may have controlled many aspects of the relationship.  Once the relationship ends, this spouse may have a hard time letting go of control.

For many reasons, one spouse may be angry about the separation or divorce.  Consequently, this spouse may push the case into court for vindication, or to maintain a sense of control.

When this happens, the result in court may be the same or worse as what was offered at settlement facilitation.  Moreover, this lackluster result also includes the time and expense of litigation.

As a result, anger may linger – or even grow – after the divorce or child custody case is finished.  When this happens, like a fire, the anger can then attack other areas of the parent or spouse’s life.

Check out this video for more information on what to expect in Albuquerque family court.





As discussed, sometimes both sides leave divorce court unhappy in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

For this reason, divorce settlement facilitation is often the way to resolve divorce disputes.

Settlement facilitation provides both sides with the ability to control the case’s outcome.  Alternatively, placing one’s case into family court ultimately places the outcome into a stranger’s hands.

This stranger – the judge – has immense power to decide the case’s outcome.  This decision can apply to how a home is divided, alimony, and dividing assets/debts.

This unknown outcome also applies to custody, visitation, and child support.  Finally, sometimes several hearings are needed for all issues to be resolved.

In other words, commonly all issues are not resolved within one hearing.  Instead, multiple hearings may be needed for a global or total decision.

Are you going through a divorce or child custody case in Albuquerque, New Mexico?  Are you angry about the reason for your divorce or separation?

It’s important to weigh all factors before hastily rushing into court.  At times, rushing into court can result in a case that stretches out for months – or even years.

Finally, sometimes both sides leave divorce court with a bitter taste in their mouths.

In other words, rarely does one side leave divorce court with a smile on their face.




Are you looking for an affordable and top Albuquerque divorce attorney? If yes, you have come to the right place.

The Sanchez Legal Team is dedicated to helping you navigate Albuquerque family court with your divorce, child custody, or restraining order case.

No case is too complex or difficult. Our team is happy to help with your uncontested divorce.  Alternatively, we will fight for your contested divorce that involves domestic violence or family abuse.

Your case and family matter.  Call (505) SANCHEZ today.

Sometimes Both Spouses Leave Divorce Court Unhappy in Albuquerque, NM


Matthew Legan Sanchez

Published by
Matthew Legan Sanchez

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