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Exploring Legal Separation as an Alternative to Divorce in New Mexico


Are you considering a legal separation as an alternative to divorce in Albuquerque, New Mexico?  If so, you’re not alone. Legal separation has become a popular option for couples who need time apart but are not ready to end their marriage.

Often, couples consider legal separation based on moral or religious reasons.

Alternatively, legal separation may be preferable based on medical concerns and continued health insurance coverage. In this respect, legal separation provides a couple with space for personal growth while still maintaining certain legal protections.

At its core, legal separation is a court-approved arrangement that allows couples to live separately while remaining legally married. Legal separation and divorce are similar because both must address child custody, division of assets, and spousal support. For example, both processes require the same documents: Petition, Marital Settlement Agreement, Parenting Plan, and Final Decree.

By choosing legal separation, couples can have a trial period to see if they can work out their differences without completely dissolving their marriage.

If you’re considering legal separation, it’s crucial to understand the differences between legal separation and divorce, the legal requirements involved, and the potential implications for your financial and emotional well-being. Whether you’re on the fence or just want to explore your options, read on to discover more about legal separation as an alternative to divorce.




In New Mexico, legal separation is a court-approved arrangement that allows couples to live separately while remaining legally married. It provides a structured framework for addressing important matters such as child custody, division of assets, and spousal support.

By choosing legal separation, couples can have a trial period to see if they can work out their differences without completely dissolving their marriage.

One of the key advantages of legal separation is that it allows couples to maintain certain legal benefits and protections. For example, health insurance coverage and tax benefits may still be available to both parties during a legal separation.

Additionally, legal separation can offer emotional benefits by providing a sense of space and time for personal growth. It allows couples to step back from the intensity of their relationship and evaluate whether they can reconcile or if divorce is the best option.

Finally, legal separation can provide moral benefits as the couple is still legally married.

Nevertheless, it’s important to note that legal separation is not the same as divorce. While the couple remains married, they are still bound by the legal obligations and responsibilities that come with marriage. It’s crucial to understand the differences between legal separation and divorce.




Legal separation and divorce differ in several keyways. The most significant difference is that legal separation does not dissolve the marriage, while divorce does. In a legal separation, the couple is still legally married and cannot remarry unless they convert their legal separation into a divorce.

Another difference lies in the financial implications. During a legal separation, the couple’s assets and debts may still be considered jointly owned, and financial support obligations, such as spousal support or child support, may still apply. In contrast, divorce involves the division of assets and the establishment of separate financial responsibilities.

Legal separation also differs from divorce in terms of the emotional impact and potential for reconciliation. While a legal separation offers couples the opportunity to reassess their relationship and work on their issues, divorce is often seen as a final step in ending the marriage. It’s important to consider these differences and their implications before choosing legal separation as an alternative to divorce.




Like any major decision, legal separation has its own set of pros and cons. It’s essential to weigh these factors carefully to determine if legal separation is the right choice for you and your spouse. Let’s explore some of the advantages and disadvantages of legal separation.




Space for Personal Growth. Legal separation provides couples with the opportunity to have time apart and focus on personal growth. This can be beneficial for individuals who need space to reflect on their relationship and work on personal issues.

Second, legal separation can enable the preservation of legal benefits.  In this respect, legal separation allows couples to maintain certain legal benefits, such as health insurance coverage and tax benefits, which may not be available in the case of divorce.

The third benefit involves the potential for reconciliation.  In this respect, couples can work on their issues and potentially reconcile without the need for a divorce. This can be particularly valuable for couples who are unsure about ending their marriage but need time apart.  This option can be particularly valuable based on moral or religious taboos associated with divorce.




The biggest con with legal separation is that it largely involves the same process as a divorce.  For example, the process begins with a Petition.  Next, the couple must address asset and debt issues with a Marital Settlement Agreement.

Finally, child custody, visitation, and child support must be addressed.

Like a divorce, all legal issues must be resolved before a legal separation is granted.  In other words, all asset, debt, and child related issues must be addressed.  Because of this fact, a legal separation can be as lengthy, stressful, and expensive as a divorce.

Consequently, legal separation is the exception and not the norm.

Next, although legal separation provides the possibility for reconciliation – it also closes the possibility of remarriage.  You see, because the couple is still legal married, neither party can get remarried until the marriage is dissolved.

As such, the couple may find themselves stuck in limbo where they are unable to let go, or grab onto a new relationship.

Finally, at times, legal separation involves more emotional strain than divorce.  You see, although legal separation provides space for personal growth, it can also be emotionally challenging for both parties. The process of separating, living apart, and potentially working on relationship issues can take a toll on individuals emotionally.

In other words, legal separation can feel like ripping of a band-aid slowly.




Do you want to get a legal separation in Albuquerque, New Mexico?  If so, are certain legal requirements that must be met.

The first step in obtaining a legal separation is filing a petition with the court. This petition outlines the reasons for seeking legal separation and the desired terms of the separation agreement.

Next, both sides must agree on essential issues.  During the legal separation process, couples must reach an agreement on key terms related to child custody, division of assets, and financial support.

These terms are typically outlined in a separation agreement and must be approved by the court. It’s important to negotiate and communicate effectively to ensure that the agreement is fair and satisfies the needs of both parties.

Once the separation agreement is drafted, it must be submitted to the court for approval. The court will review the agreement to ensure that all legal requirements and issues have been resolved.

If granted, the court grants a legal separation.  As you can see, the process for getting a legal separation is very similar to getting a divorce.  The main difference is that a divorce ends the marriage.




Legal separation can have significant financial implications for both parties involved. Consequently, it’s essential to consider the potential financial consequences and plan accordingly.

During a legal separation, the community assets and debts must be divided. In this respect, a legal separation is like a divorce.  Check out this video for more information on how community property is divided in divorce.



In New Mexico, a legal separation may also involve spouse support (alimony).  In New Mexico, the amount and length of spousal support varies.  For example, alimony varies based on factors such as the length of the marriage and each party’s income.  Ultimately, the two biggest factors that impact alimony are need and ability to pay.

Check out this video for more information on how alimony is calculated in Albuquerque, New Mexico.



Next, a legal separation must resolve child custody issues.  For instance, like a divorce, a Parenting Plan is needed to resolve custody, visitation, and child support.

Are child custody issues contested?  If so, the court decides issues based on the best interests of the child.

Check out this video for more information about the best interests of the child in Albuquerque, New Mexico.





As we have seen, the process of getting a legal separation is similar in many respects to a getting a divorce.  Just as there are uncontested divorces, there are also uncontested legal separation.

With legal separation, one key difference from a divorce is the enhanced possibility for reconciliation.  Here, legal separation offers couples the opportunity to reassess their relationship and consider reconciliation. However, if reconciliation is not possible or desired, there are options to convert a legal separation into a divorce.

During a legal separation, couples may choose to work on their issues and attempt to reconcile. Seeking professional help, such as couples counseling or therapy, can be beneficial in this process. Reconciliation requires open communication, commitment, and a genuine desire to rebuild the relationship.

At the end of the road, if reconciliation is not possible or desired, a legal separation can be converted into a divorce.




As we have seen, legal separation can be a viable alternative to divorce for couples who need time apart but are not ready to end their marriage. It offers the opportunity for personal growth, the preservation of legal benefits, and the potential for reconciliation.

Nevertheless, because the two processes are similar, legal separations often involve the same time, stress, and expense as a divorce.

Are you considering legal separation? If so, Sanchez Legal Team’s top Albuquerque child custody and divorce lawyers are here to help. Our team can guide you through the process and provide tailored advice to your unique marriage.

Call (505) SANCHEZ today and talk with one of Albuquerque’s best uncontested divorce, child custody, and restraining order attorneys.

Matthew Legan Sanchez

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