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Empowering Yourself: Recognizing Abuse and Getting a Restraining Order


Are you feeling trapped and powerless in an abusive or dangerous situation? If so, it’s time to take control of your life by recognizing abuse and getting a restraining order in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

With the power of a restraining order, you can establish clear boundaries and prevent your abuser from further harassing, contacting, or harming you.

But how do you know if you’re in a situation that warrants a restraining order? What are the signs to look out for? In this article, Sanchez Legal Team explores the red flags of an abusive relationship.  In doing so, we’ll help you recognize when and how to get a restraining order in New Mexico.

Empowerment is key when it comes to dealing with abusive individuals.  In turn, a restraining order can be a powerful tool in regaining control over your life. Take a hand as the Sanchez Legal Team guides you through the process of obtaining a restraining order.  In doing so, we’ll offer practical advice and steps to ensure your safety.

Don’t let fear hold you back any longer. It’s time to recognize the signs, act, and empower yourself with a restraining order in Albuquerque, New Mexico.




A restraining order is a legal document issued by a court that prohibits an individual from contacting, harassing, or coming within 100 yards of a person.

A protective order is a powerful tool that provides protection and peace of mind for individuals who are experiencing abuse, threats, or harassment. Restraining orders can be issued to protect victims of family violence or abuse.

This abuse includes severe emotional distress, damage to property, stalking, sexual assault, or any other form of harassment or abuse.

When a restraining order is in place, the abuser is legally required to stay away from the victim. This includes the victim’s home and workplace.  Moreover, in public, the abuser must stay at least 100 yards away from the victim.

In New Mexico, violating a restraining order can result in serious legal consequences. These consequences include fines and significant time spent in MDC. You see, restraining orders are designed to empower victims and give them a sense of security and control over their own lives.

It’s important to understand that a restraining order is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The specific terms and conditions of a restraining order can vary depending on the nature of the abuse, and the individual circumstances of the case.

Some restraining orders may prohibit the abuser from contacting the victim in any way. Conversely, when children are involved, a protective order may allow for limited communication or contact when exchanging the child.

So, understanding the nuances of restraining orders is crucial for victims of family violence in New Mexico.

Are you the victim of abuse are need a restraining order of protection in Albuquerque, New Mexico?  If so, the Sanchez Legal Team’s top Albuquerque restraining order lawyers excel at protective orders.

Call (505) SANCHEZ and talk with one of Albuquerque’s best restraining order lawyers.




There are several different types of restraining orders that you can get in New Mexico. The most common types of restraining orders include:

Domestic Violence Restraining Orders in New Mexico. These protective orders are issued to keep victims of domestic abuse safe.  This abuse can include physical, emotional, or psychological abuse within a domestic or intimate relationship. Domestic violence restraining orders can prohibit the abuser from contacting the victim and approaching their home or workplace.

Also, a protective order prevents the abuser from possessing or purchasing a firearm while the order is in place.

Stalking Restraining Orders in Albuquerque. Stalking is a pattern of behavior that causes a person to feel fear or distress. In other words, stalking is an act of abuse.  Stalking restraining orders can protect victims from unwanted contact, surveillance, or harassment by the stalker.

Sexual Assault Restraining Orders in NM. These orders are designed to protect victims of sexual assault.  This includes including rape, sexual abuse, or any other non-consensual sexual activity.

Civil Harassment Restraining Orders in New Mexico. This type of order is available for individuals who are experiencing harassment, threats, or other forms of abuse from someone that isn’t a family member or romantic partner. In other words, civil restraining orders are usually filed against neighbors in New Mexico.

Civil harassment restraining orders can provide protection in a variety of situations, such as workplace conflicts or disputes between neighbors.

Are you the victim of abuse in New Mexico and need to stop your abuser from contacting you? If so, call (505) SANCHEZ and talk with an experienced Albuquerque attorney that excels with restraining orders.

Our top-rated team routinely handles protective orders regarding divorce and child custody matters.




Recognizing the signs that you may need a restraining order is the first step in taking action to protect yourself. Some common warning signs that indicate the need for a restraining order include:

Physical abuse or violence. If you have experienced any form of physical abuse, such as hitting, pushing, shoving, or any other unwanted physical contact, this is a clear sign that you may need a restraining order.

Threats of harm. Verbal threats of violence, harm, or even death can be grounds for a restraining order. These threats can come in the form of phone calls, text messages, emails, or even in person.

Stalking or harassment. Are you being followed, watched, or receiving unwanted and persistent attention? Does this involve repeated phone calls, messages, or showing up at your home or workplace? If so, this may be considered stalking or harassment and can warrant a restraining order in Albuquerque, NM.

Emotional or psychological abuse. Abusive individuals may use emotional manipulation, gaslighting, or other forms of psychological abuse to maintain control and power over their victims. This type of abuse can be just as damaging as physical violence and can be grounds for a restraining order. In New Mexico, you can get a restraining order based on severe emotional distress.

Recognizing these signs and taking action to get a restraining order can be a crucial step in regaining control over your life.

Call (505) SANCHEZ and have one of Albuquerque’s best restraining order lawyers guide you through the process.



Based on the information above, do you believe that you need a restraining order in New Mexico?  If so, here are the general steps to follow:

Gather evidence. Collect documentation, such as police reports, medical records, or communications from the abuser, that can support your case for a restraining order. Also, consider pictures, videos, or any other evidence supporting the abuse. This evidence will be crucial in demonstrating the need for the order.

Identify the appropriate court. Restraining orders are typically filed with the District Court in your County.  Do you live in Albuquerque, New Mexico?  If so, then you will file your restraining order with the Second Judicial District Court in Bernalillo County.  Do you live in Rio Rancho?  In this case, you file your restraining order with the Thirteenth Judicial District Courthouse in Sandoval County.

Complete the necessary paperwork. After identifying the appropriate courthouse, the next step is filing the proper paperwork. To start the process, you file a Petition for Order of Protection.  If the Petition contains enough evidence to support abuse, a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) will be granted.  This TRO sets a temporary restraining order and sets a hearing.

Attend the court hearing. Once you have filed the necessary paperwork, the court will schedule a hearing. This is your opportunity to present your case and provide evidence to the judge, who will then determine whether to issue the restraining order.  In New Mexico, a restraining order can be entered based on a “preponderance of the evidence.”

Practically speaking, the Judge or Hearing Officer has immense power to determine if a restraining order can be entered.

Do you need more information about getting a restraining order in Albuquerque, New Mexico? If so, check out this insightful video today.





Getting a restraining order is a significant step in regaining control over your life and protecting yourself from further abuse or harassment. However, the work doesn’t stop there. Here are some important steps to take after receiving a restraining order in Albuquerque, New Mexico:

Review the order. Carefully read through the terms and conditions of the restraining order to ensure that you understand your rights and the abuser’s obligations under the order.

Notify relevant parties. Inform your employer, your children’s school or daycare, and any other relevant individuals or organizations about the restraining order. This will help ensure that the order is enforced in all necessary settings.

Develop a safety plan. Update your existing safety plan or create a new one that considers the additional protections provided by the restraining order. This may include identifying safe places to go, arranging for alternative transportation, or making changes to your daily routine.

Document any violations. If the abuser violates the terms of the restraining order, immediately report the violation to APD or your local police agency.

Seek support. Continue to reach out to domestic violence organizations, support groups, or trusted friends and family members who can provide emotional and practical support as you navigate the aftermath of the restraining order.

Remember, a restraining order is a powerful tool, but it is not a guarantee of safety. Continued vigilance and a strong support system are crucial in ensuring your ongoing protection and well-being.




Getting a restraining order is a powerful step in regaining control over your life and breaking free from family violence. First, it’s imperative to recognize the signs that you may need a restraining order. Next, it’s necessary to take the necessary steps to file and receive an order of protection in New Mexico.  In doing so, you are empowering yourself and asserting your right to live a life free from fear, harassment, and violence.

Throughout this process, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. There are countless individuals who have faced similar challenges and have found the strength and resilience to overcome them. By reaching out to support resources, such as domestic violence organizations, legal aid services, and victim assistance programs, you can access the guidance, resources, and emotional support you need to navigate this journey.

Ultimately, a restraining order is a legal tool that can provide you with the protection and peace of mind that you and your family deserve.

Remember, you have the power to change your circumstances and create the life you deserve. Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back. Take that first step, seek the legal protection you need, and embark on a journey of self-empowerment and healing.

Do you have questions about taking your first step towards getting a restraining order of protection in Albuquerque, NM? If so, call New Mexico’s top restraining order lawyers.

Call (505) SANCHEZ and talk with a top and tested New Mexico restraining order lawyer.

The Sanchez Legal Team routinely handles protective orders involving child custody disputes, uncontested divorce, kinship guardianship, and domestic violence.

Your family deserves the best.  You deserve to call (505) SANCHEZ.

Matthew Legan Sanchez

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