

Are you searing for the best Albuquerque family law attorney?  This is a reasonable guest.  You see, navigating through the legal system can be a daunting task.

First, the legal system is filled with its own language, technical rules, and procedures.

Second, the thought of appearing and testifying in court can be scary.  Scarier still is the thought of being cross-examined by a Rambo lawyer before a disgruntled judge.

Third, verbally battling your former loved one can be extremely stressful. This stress is magnified by family court’s high stakes.

These three reasons may have led you to find the best Albuquerque family law attorney.

Let’s uncover some essential elements to consider when searching for the best Albuquerque family law attorney.




Have you heard through word-of-mouth that one attorney is the best Albuquerque family law attorney?

If so, is this opinion based on past performance, or present ability?

The best Albuquerque family law attorney five years ago may not be the best today.  In fact, this attorney may be handing cases to an inexperienced associate.

Possibly this attorney is a shell of his/her former self.

For example, consider Michael Jordan.  In my opinion, Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time.

But is Michael Jordan the best player today?

Like Jordan, an attorney may have been ferocious – and arguably the best Albuquerque family law attorney — at one point in their career.

But are they still the best?

Are they still hungry to improve?

How does the attorney’s abilities compare pre and post COVID?

For example, is the attorney still in the office every day?  Moreover, is the attorney constantly in court?

In other words, is the word-of-mouth that you are hearing fresh and current?




At one point, an attorney may have been the best Albuquerque family law attorney.

Then COVID hit and everything changed.

Fast forward a few years and the world turned upside down.

Today, your attorney may technically be practicing law.  However, is the attorney retired on duty?

In this respect, some attorneys proclaim to be the best.  These attorneys are front and center on websites and advertisements.

Unfortunately, these same attorneys are ghosts in court.  In fact, these attorneys may be ghosts in their own office – or New Mexico for that matter.

Today, these attorneys are retired on duty.

They may dabble with law – taking a choice case here and there – but they’re not constantly in the courtroom trenches.

Their fighting days are over.

In some situations, their time in New Mexico – or their office – may be limited or non-existent.

Today, the best Albuquerque family law attorney five years ago may be more concerned with their golf score than appearing in court.

Is your attorney constantly relaxing on vacation?  On the other hand, is your attorney constantly in court and handling complex cases?


The attorney that you have heard is the best family law attorney in Albuquerque, New Mexico may be retired on duty.




Oscar Wilde once said, “I’m not young enough to know everything.”

Understand, the attorney that you are calling may not be the attorney that handles your case.

Your friend or family member may refer you to “the best Albuquerque family law attorney.”

You happily call this attorney.

Somewhere along the line, your case is shuffled to an associate attorney.  In some situations, this associate attorney may have very limited courtroom experience.

In some situations, this attorney may have been hired after COVID and has never stepped foot in court.

This lack of experience may be masked by concrete and confident statements about “winning.”

In other words, this associate may be “faking it until they make it.”

Beware of becoming an attorney’s experience building case.

There are usually no guarantees in love, sports, and court.

Be aware of your gut feeling that tells you that an answer is too good to be true.  This feeling may be whispering that your associate attorney is too young and inexperienced enough to know everything.




Beware of any attorney that claims they have never lost a case.

In my opinion, an attorney that says, “I have never lost a case,” hasn’t handled enough cases.

A defense attorney once told me that he had never lost a DWI trial.  Never.  Not once.

I laughed inside.

I couldn’t help thinking, “You can’t lose a trial if you take a plea on every case BEFORE trial.”

Similarly, beware of any family law attorney that claims they have never lost a case.  You may be the very first case that they have handled.




Follow your gut feelings when searching for the best Albuquerque family law attorney.

Maybe, you’re hearing something that seems too good to be true.

Possibly, you’re hearing a statement that lacks confidence.

In other situations, your gut feeling may be telling you that the attorney is telling you what you want to hear.

It’s very easy to tell every client what they want to hear. It’s easy to tell a client that you will kick-down the courthouse door with a no holds barred and all frequency assault on the legal system.

Follow your gut feelings.




Have you heard talk about the best Albuquerque family law attorney?

Alternatively, are you impressed by a family law attorney’s website or advertisements?

This impression may lead you to call and speak with the grizzled and gun-slinging cowboy on the website and ads.

Somewhere along the line, you’re corralled with the calf associate that falls off the horse. This calf associate may be fresh on the job.

Beware when you’re referred to one attorney and get another.

This is the legal equivalent of passing the buck.




Are you searching for the best Albuquerque family law attorney?

If yes, your case may involve an uncontested divorce, contested divorce, child custody/visitation, kinship guardianship, restraining order of protection, or domestic violence.

Matthew Legan Sanchez has the courtroom experience to handle your complex family law case.

Call (505) SANCHEZ today.
