Divorce during COVID in Albuquerque
I grew up reading Choose Your Own Adventure books.
I can picture my younger self running to the school’s Book Fair, picking up the latest adventure book, and then ditching math homework to devour the story.
As you may recall, in these books the reader becomes the main character and determines how the story unfolds by choosing from a handful of options. Whether the book’s ending was good or bad ultimately depended on the reader’s choices throughout the story.
I bring up these childhood books because life itself is a Choose Your Own Adventure. Our daily choices determine how our life’s story unfolds.
I’m dipping into this nostalgic memory because at times COVID-19 has the feeling of a story that should be told in complete darkness, over a campfire. In six months life has flipped upside down and inside out — rapidly and fundamentally changing in ways that feels like an eerie tale from the crypt.
Here are some of the scenarios that many people have faced during COVID:
Feelings of isolation;
Radically changed way of life and routine;
Inability to travel and visit family & friends;
Substance abuse issues;
Loneliness; or
Increased uncertainty about work or finances.
Based on these issues, a growing group of couples across New Mexico have been pushed to the brink of breakup or divorce and are choosing between two options: (1) Remain in the relationship, or (2) Leave the soured relationship.
Here are your two options – chose your own adventure.
Door Number One: Remain in the Marriage or Relationship in Albuquerque, New Mexico:
Couples across Albuquerque, New Mexico can testify that COVID has stretched many relationships to the breaking point. This stretching process can either cause the relationship to grow apart — or grow together. As fitness instructors love to say, “No pain, no gain.”
On the positive end of the spectrum some relationships have strengthened through:
Re-evaluating what’s important in life;
Increased family time;
Handling the stress and uncertainty as a team;
Spending more time with one’s spouse and/or children;
Feelings of appreciation for being alive and well; or
Counting your blessings.
But life isn’t always hunky-dory and made for prime-time television.
In some situations, the gift of increased time together has become a curse due to underlying mental health issues, substance abuse issues, or the growing realization that the relationship has drifted apart. In some relationships the best option is to choose divorce or separation.
For some people, COVID related issues have pushed the relationship to the limit. Too much damage has been done and COVID is an eye-opening experience that now is the time to begin a new chapter in one’s life. Based on these facts, many people are opting for door number two:
Door Number Two: Leave the Marriage or Relationship:
At times COVID has been the perfect storm for relationships that were already strained to the point of collapse. Factors that are pushing relationships to the point of no return include:
Too much time with someone were resentment was already growing;
Differences that once were splinters are now canyons;
Confined living quarters and “cute” habits that have quickly turned annoying;
Losing a job or stress at work;
Realizing that life is too short to stay in a bad relationship;
Annoying qualities that are spotlighted by COVID;
Stress that triggers underlying mental health issues;
Realizing that you and your spouse have changed;
Lost attraction towards the new person that your spouse has become;
Substance abuse;
Violence; or
Threats of self-harm.
Divorce rates are skyrocketing across America
From California to New York, divorce rates are surging due to the COVID related issues outlined above.
The associated press has reported that divorce rates are spiking because of COVID. One online study shows that divorce rates have increased by 34% since COVID hit. Similar to the virus itself, the increased divorce rates began in China and are now spreading all the way to New Mexico.
These statistics make sense when one considers that divorce rates generally increase during periods of intense stress. Personally, I haven’t experienced an event that is more life-altering than COVID.
In relation to Albuquerque and New Mexico — I have witnessed a surge in marital issues that lead to domestic violence, leading to an Order of Protection being entered, and ultimately causing a divorce or separation.
But the typical story isn’t necessarily your story.
Does your story involve a relationship that overcomes the stress and is strengthened by COVID – or is COVID the final straw that breaks a bad relationship?
Which door will you choose?
Will you choose door number one and stay together? Or will you choose door number two and start a new chapter in your life?
Your adventure is to choose the door that leads to your best ending.
For some the best choice is to remain in the relationship. For others, the damage and threat of harm is too great and leaving the relationship is the best choice for a positive future.
Do you still have questions about divorce increasing during COVID in Albuquerque, New Mexico? Child Custody and divorce lawyer in Albuquerque, New Mexico often requires the experienced hand and knowledge that comes with years of courtroom practice. Matthew Legan Sanchez has the experience needed to handle your unique case. Sanchez can be reached by calling (505) SANCHEZ.
Divorce during COVID in Albuquerque New Mexico