Divorce and Child Custody Cases Can Be Expensive and Stressful


Divorce and child custody cases can be expensive and stressful in New Mexico.

At times, navigating the family court system in Albuquerque, New Mexico can be a daunting and costly experience. From legal fees to emotional strain, the process can take a toll on families that need divorce or child custody issues resolved.

For families in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the family court system can be a challenging and expensive journey.

The legal fees alone can add up quickly.  Moreover, the emotional toll of litigation can impact the emotional wellbeing of all parties involved.

Consequently, it’s essential to have support and guidance throughout the process.  An experienced family law attorney can help reduce the stress of litigation.

This stress includes facing an unknown process.  The stress also includes confusing legal procedures and rules.  Finally, facing your ex in court can be a harrowing experience.

Let’s uncover some ways that divorce, and child custody cases can get expensive and stressful.




In some cases, parents think that they want to fight with their ex in court.  As an idea, slugging it out in court can be satisfying.

However, litigation is usually time-consuming, frustrating, and expensive.

It has been said that people commonly fear public speaking more than death.  In other words, to most, the thought of talking in public is scarier than the thought of dying.

This belief can be short-circuited by a desire to strike back in court.  For example, a spouse may think that they want their moment in court.  This moment may be seen as the chance to tell one’s story, confront one’s ex, and ultimately be vindicated as the wronged party.

Unfortunately, sometimes even the prevailing side leaves the court emotionally exhausted.  Even when one’s goal is achieved through litigation, sometimes the overall emotional burden outweighs the benefit of litigation.

Therefore, it’s important to consider your overall mental wellbeing when pursuing litigation.  Consider that the time and stress of litigation may diminish your overall happiness and emotional wellbeing.

Consider your limited time on earth.  In doing so, ask yourself if your limited time is worth fighting in court.

In the end, what you think will make you happy may be a monkey paw that brings you misery.




It often takes several months to get into court.  Even emergency issues can take thirty days or longer to get a hearing.

During this time, your mind may ruminate on divorce or child custody issues.  Your thoughts may gravitate towards conflict and negativity rather than tranquility.

Your overall wellbeing may suffer.

Before diving into court, consider the long wait that you may encounter.  This period can be an unhappy and anxious time in your life.

Therefore, consider the long wait when weighing the cost and benefit of litigation.




Opening a divorce or child custody case opens a Pandora’s box for the other side to request financial information.

In other words, litigation opens the door to discovery.

This discovery process may involve a request for bank account information, or other sensitive information.

Moreover, the expense of divorce and child custody cases quickly mounts with increased discovery.

Are you considering a contested divorce or child custody case?  If so, consider the time and cost of a robust discovery process.  In doing so, be prepared for a comprehensive request for personal and potentially sensitive financial information.




Many child custody disputes result in a lengthy and expensive GAL process.  A GAL is an attorney that represents the child’s interests.

In some complex custody cases, the family court judge orders a GAL to become involved.  In doing so, GAL investigates and makes recommendations.

This process is often expensive.  Moreover, this process can take several months to unfold.  During this time, GAL may conduct a home visit.

The GAL may also speak with important sources and family members.

Finally, the GAL may ask probing and personal questions.

Consequently, consider the cost of a lengthy GAL process when considering a divorce and child custody case.




Contentious and lengthy divorce and child custody cases usually cost more.  In other words, divorce and child custody litigation gets expensive quick in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Do you want to strike-back at your ex in family court?  Also, do you want an exhaustive discovery process to uncover all possible information?

And do you also want to keep your divorce and child custody cases low cost?

Unfortunately, the two desires are contradictory.  In other words, the cost of divorce and child custody cases is usually directly proportional to the level of contentiousness.

Nevertheless, some parents want a contentious divorce that is also low cost.  Alas, family court doesn’t work that way.

Instead, expect to spend more as your case becomes more contentious.  Expect your case to become more expensive depending on the level of discovery that needs to be completed.

Moreover, expect your case expense to increase as each motion and court appearance is added to the equation.

In doing so, consider mounting attorney fees when considering a contested divorce and child custody case in Albuquerque, New Mexico.




Sometimes, parents equate an attorney’s effectiveness with contentiousness.  In other words, some parents or spouses believe that their attorney is only useful when battling in court.

In some divorce and child custody cases, resolution is better than conflict.

Sometimes both sides benefit by meeting in the middle.  In doing so, both sides can avoid a potentially drawn-out process with a judge that may not especially care about the outcome.

Remember, your divorce or child custody case is unique to you and your family.  To you, your case means the world.

The night before a divorce or child custody trial, you may toss and turn.  Possibly even days before the trial, all you can think about is your courtroom experience.

On the other hand, your judge may review your case or motion moments before your hearing.  This initial review may come moments after your judge completed a prior case.  With little contemplation, your judge hears the issues – and makes a gut instinct decision.

Moments later your judge moves along to the next case.

By the end of the day, your judge may have no memories of your case or outcome.  Conversely, your judge’s decision may linger in your mind for months – even years.

You may never forget your judge’s name or face.  On the other end, your judge could pass you by on the street every day and not recognize you from Adam.

Are you considering a contentious divorce or child custody case in Albuquerque, New Mexico?  If so, consider that your case is one of many that your judge is currently juggling.

Check out this video for more information on how to improve your child custody and divorce case in Albuquerque, New Mexico.





There’s no way to sugar coat it, divorce and child custody cases can be expensive and stressful.  With that said, an experienced and top Albuquerque divorce and child custody attorney can greatly reduce your stress.

Do you want one of the best family law attorney that loves court and litigation?  If so, Sanchez is your contested divorce and restraining order attorney.

Alternatively, are you looking for an amicable and uncontested divorce?  If yes, Sanchez also understands the value of resolution.

In either situation, Sanchez takes a unique approach to each case.  For example, your case may benefit from litigation.  Alternatively, your case’s unique facts may best be handled through mediation.

In either case, Sanchez seeks the best legal solution for your unique situation.

Don’t wait or debate.

Call (505) SANCHEZ.


Matthew Legan Sanchez

Published by
Matthew Legan Sanchez

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