From Custody Battles to Paternity Rights: A Father’s Guide to Family Law


Are you a father navigating through the family court system in Albuquerque, New Mexico?  If so, from custody battles to paternity rights, understanding your legal rights and responsibilities may feel like an intimidating mountain of information.

In this comprehensive guide, the Sanchez Legal Team provides you with the knowledge and insights you need to confidently navigate Albuquerque’s family court system.

As a father, it’s crucial to be aware of your rights when it comes to custody and visitation. Therefore, we’ll explore the factors that Albuquerque courts consider when making custody decisions.  We’ll also review strategies to maximize your chances of securing custody or visitation rights.

Paternity rights are another crucial aspect of family law that fathers need to understand. As such, we’ll dive into the legal procedures and requirements for establishing paternity, including DNA testing in New Mexico.  We’ll also cover the importance of being involved in your child’s life and establishing an ideal status quo visitation after separation.

In addition to custody and paternity, we’ll cover other essential topics such as child support, parental relocation, and modifications to existing court orders. In doing so, our goal is to empower New Mexican fathers with the knowledge and resources necessary to protect your rights and foster a healthy and positive relationship with your children.

No matter where you are on your family law journey, this guide serves as a valuable roadmap or resource. Join us as we explore the ins and outs of Albuquerque family law and help you navigate the challenges of fatherhood.




When it comes to custody battles, fathers often face unique challenges. You see, historically family courts have favored mothers in custody disputes.  In doing so, the family courts tended to presume that mothers are better suited to care for children.

Previously, New Mexico family courts followed the “Tender Years Doctrine.”  This Doctrine essentially says that young children are better served when raised by Mothers.  Consequently, Fathers had the burden of proving that Mothers were unfit to have primary custody.

Times and policies have changed.  Now, New Mexico family courts no longer formally follow the Tender Years Doctrine.  Nevertheless, the Doctrine’s ghost can still be found floating around family courts.

Most importantly, New Mexico family courts are increasingly aware of the importance of both parents being actively involved in a child’s life.  This means that fathers have a better chance of playing an active and loving role in a young child’s life.

With that said, establishing paternity is a crucial step for fathers who want to assert their rights. Without legally establishing paternity, custody and timesharing, a father has no court ordered right to custody or visitation. Moreover, police usually will not get involved with custody disputes without a valid and enforceable court order.

Moving forward, it’s important to understand the legal procedures and requirements for establishing paternity.  These steps include DNA testing and the importance of being involved in your child’s life.




In New Mexico, paternity can be established through an Acknowledgement of Paternity. Generally, this can be done at the hospital when the child is born or later through New Mexico Vital Statistics.

Are you or the mother in your matter disputing paternity?  If yes, a DNA test may be necessary to legally establish paternity.

In New Mexico, usually the cost of DNA testing generally is covered by the Father.  If paternity is established through DNA testing, then the cost is usually split between the parties.

Once paternity is established, fathers gain legal rights and responsibilities, including the right to establish custody or visitation. Nevertheless, establishing paternity does not equal court ordered visitation rights.

For example, establishing paternity does not give fathers the right to 50-50 timesharing.  In fact, establishing paternity doesn’t give fathers an inherent right to any visitation.  Instead, New Mexico courts determine visitation based on the child’s best interests.

Also, establishing paternity and parental rights opens the door to parental responsibilities.  Specifically, establishing paternity creates the responsibility for fathers to provide their child with financial support.




When it comes to custody arrangements, there is physical and legal custody. Physical custody refers to where the child lives. Moreover, legal custody involves making important decisions about the child’s upbringing, such as education, healthcare, and religious upbringing.

New Mexico courts presume that children are best served by both parents sharing joint legal custody.  This means that both parents are involved in making major decisions that impact the child.

On the other hand, sole custody is when one parent has both physical and legal custody of the child.  In this situation, one parent has the power to make major decisions, unless limited by the court.  For example, the court may grant a parent sole legal custody, but require that parent to get permission to change status quo providers, such as doctor, school, religion, etc.

Check out this video to better understand sole legal custody in Albuquerque, New Mexico.





When making custody decisions, courts consider several factors to determine the best interests of the child. In New Mexico, common considerations include the child’s age, the child’s relationship with each parent, the mental and physical health of the parents, and the ability of each parent to provide a stable and nurturing environment.

Additionally, New Mexico family courts are heavily influenced by the “status quo” or timesharing schedule in place after the party’s separation.

Also, New Mexico family courts also consider the child’s preferences, especially when the child is 14 or older.  In fact, under New Mexico law, the court must consider a 14-year-old child’s desires.

Are you a father that is considering getting the family courts involved?  If so, it’s vital for fathers to demonstrate their commitment to their child’s well-being.  In doing so, fathers should actively participate in their child’s lives, attend school events, and become as involved as possible.

Albuquerque family courts want to see that fathers have a safe, stable, and consistent relationship with their child.  So, start now and immediately become as involved as possible with your child.

Watch this video for more information about best interests of the child in New Mexico.





In New Mexico, progress has been made in recognizing fathers’ rights.  Nevertheless, many fathers still face unique challenges in custody battles. In fact, many fathers feel like the family court system is biased against fathers and favors mothers.

Therefore, it’s important to understand mother’s rights vs. father’s rights.

A growing sentiment is rising across the internet that the family court system is rigged against fathers.  At times, fathers feel like the Albuquerque family court system is as daunting as a massive mountain.

Some common challenges include biases and stereotypes that assume mothers are inherently better caregivers.

Fathers may also be challenged by trying to balance work obligations with parenting responsibilities.  In this respect, Fathers that have untraditional, or unusually large work hours may be at a distinct disadvantage.

Another challenge fathers often face is proving that they can provide a stable and nurturing environment for their child.

At times, Fathers face a Catch 22 with child custody.  In this regard, fathers need experience to achieve overnight visits.  However, the court is reluctant to grant overnight visits until a father has experience.

It’s important to gather evidence of involvement in the child’s life, such as attending school functions, extracurricular activities, and medical appointments.

Most importantly, become child centered.  In doing so, immediately become as involved in your child’s life as possible.




Navigating the legal process can be overwhelming, especially for fathers who are unfamiliar with Albuquerque family court’s policies and procedures. However, there are strategies that can help fathers navigate New Mexico’s family court system more effectively.

First, it’s crucial to educate yourself about your rights and responsibilities. In doing so, familiarize yourself with New Mexico’s child custody and visitation laws.

Also, become familiar with the policies and procedures of your specific jurisdiction.  For instance, family courts in Rio Rancho or Santa Fe may have different policies and procedures than Albuquerque.  Also, some jurisdictions are more favorable to fathers than others.

Consequently, you should always consult with an experienced family law attorney. A top Albuquerque child custody and visitation attorney can guide you through the legal process.

One of Albuquerque’s best father’s rights attorneys can also help you understand your rights, and advocate for your best interests in court. When selecting an attorney, look for someone who specializes in family law, has experience representing fathers, and has a track record of success.

For all these reasons, you should call the local and experienced fathers rights attorneys at (505) SANCHEZ.  Our top team of father’s rights attorneys are here to fight for your rights and the best outcome possible.

For now, check out this informative video about father’s rights in Albuquerque, New Mexico.





No matter where you are on your family law journey, this guide serves as a valuable resource to help fathers understand their rights and responsibilities in Albuquerque, NM. From custody battles to establishing paternity and navigating the legal process, fathers can take steps to protect their rights and foster a healthy and positive relationship with their children.

By educating yourself, seeking legal representation, and accessing available resources and support, you can confidently navigate the complexities of family law. Remember, your involvement in your child’s life is crucial, and by asserting your rights, you can create a positive impact on their well-being and future.

Do you have more questions about establishing paternity or court ordered visitation rights?  If so, call one of Albuquerque’s best father’s rights lawyers.

Call (505) SANCHEZ today.

Matthew Legan Sanchez

Published by
Matthew Legan Sanchez

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