

In today’s world, ensuring the protection and well-being of children is crucial. A child guardianship attorney in Albuquerque, New Mexico, can help protect the loved ones in your life.

Do you need help establishing or revoking child guardianship in New Mexico?  If so, Sanchez Legal Team uncovers what you need to know about child guardianship in New Mexico.




Children are the most vulnerable members of our society.  Consequently, it is our collective responsibility to ensure their well-being is safeguarded. Children have  the right to a safe and nurturing environment.  Children also have a right to education, healthcare, and opportunities for personal growth and development.

Unfortunately, many children across New Mexico face various forms of abuse and neglect.  This abuse or neglect can have severe and long-lasting consequences on their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

In some situations, CYFD becomes involved when a child is subject to abuse or neglect.  When this occurs, CYFD can create a safety plan that removes the child from the parent’s home.  In this situation, the child may be placed into a family member or care-giver’s home.

In these situations, the family member or caregiver can request to be appointed as the child’s kinship guardian.




Child guardianship is a legal arrangement in which a family member or caregiver is granted the authority to make decisions on behalf of a minor child. This is typically necessary when the child’s parents are unable or unwilling to fulfill their parental responsibilities.

Ultimately, a child guardian may be necessary when the child’s best interests are not being met by unfit parents.

The process of establishing child guardianship can be complex. In some contested cases, a New Mexico court may appoint a guardian against the parent’s objections.  In other situations, the child’s parents may voluntarily consent to the caregiver assuming guardianship over the child.

The guardian effectively steps into the parent’s shoes and assumes parental rights and responsibilities.  Guardians can be granted a wide range of decision-making powers, including the ability to make decisions regarding the child’s education, healthcare, living arrangements, and financial matters.

Also, child guardians can be entitled to child support from the parents.

Guardianship can provide a critical safety net for children who are facing challenging circumstances, such as abuse, neglect, or the inability of their parents to care for them. By placing the child in the care of a responsible and trustworthy guardian, the child’s rights and well-being can be better protected and promoted. This can have a profound impact on the child’s long-term development and overall quality of life.

Are you interested in becoming the legal guardian for a child in your care?  If so, do you have questions about how you can be appointed as a child’s guardian under the kinship guardianship act in New Mexico?  If so, this informative video explains everything that you need to know about being appointed as a child’s guardian in Albuquerque, New Mexico.






A New Mexico child guardianship attorney is a legal professional who specializes in advocating for a child’s best interests guardianship proceedings. Albuquerque guardianship attorneys play a crucial role in ensuring that the child’s best interests are at the forefront of any legal decisions made regarding their care and well-being.

Child guardianship attorneys are well-versed in the complex legal processes and laws surrounding child custody, visitation rights, and parental responsibilities. As such, the guardianship lawyer can effectively move one’s case through a potentially complex and contentious legal process.

Do you need to establish or revoke guardianship over a child in Albuquerque, New Mexico?  If so, it’s essential to speak with an experienced family lawyer that understands New Mexico law, procedure, and trial practice.  An experienced child guardianship attorney can guide you through the legal maze of establishing or revoking guardianship in New Mexico.

Look no further.  Call (505) SANCHEZ and talk with one of New Mexico’s best child guardianship attorneys.  Our team of child guardianship attorneys routinely handle kinship guardianship cases across New Mexico.

Your loved one deserves the best child guardianship lawyer to protect their best interests.

Call (505) SANCHEZ and speak with an Albuquerque family lawyer that is dedicated to protecting families across New Mexico.




In Albuquerque, New Mexico, the legal framework surrounding child guardianship is governed by the kinship guardianship act. The kinship guardianship act establishes the laws and procedures for establishing, modifying, and terminating guardianships for minors.

Under New Mexico law, a guardianship can be established for a child if the child’s parents are deceased, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to provide child with adequate safety, maintenance, or supervision.  In other words, the court can appoint anyone over the age of 21 to become a child’s guardian when both parents are either unfit, or unwilling, to care for the child.

The process of establishing child guardianship in Albuquerque typically begins with filing a petition with the District Court in one’s County. So, a caregiver living in Albuquerque would file the child guardianship case with the Second Judicial District Court.  Caregivers living in Rio Rancho, Belen, or Los Lunas would file the child guardianship case with Thirteenth Judicial District Courthouse.

The petition opens the case.  An initial hearing is set, and the court determines if the guardian has the legal ability to be granted guardianship.  In cases where either parent appears and contests guardianship, a Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) is appointed to represent the child.

The GAL investigates and determines if the child is best served by the proposed child guardianship.  If so, the caregiver is named as the child’s guardian and assumes parental rights and responsibilities.  If not, then the guardianship is terminated.  Ultimately, the decision to establish or revoke child guardianship is based on the child’s best interests.




A child guardianship attorney in Albuquerque, New Mexico, can make a significant difference in the lives of children and their families by advocating for their rights and ensuring their best interests are protected.

An experienced child guardianship attorney has a deep understanding of New Mexico laws, procedure, and regulations.  This experience is based on real world trial practice, and not theory learned in a book or blog.

In other words, a season tested child guardianship attorney understands New Mexico laws from trial practice.  This trial practice enables the child guardianship lawyer to understand the nuances of the kinship guardianship act.

One of the primary ways a child guardianship attorney can make a difference is by providing expert legal guidance and representation throughout the guardianship process. They can assist with the initial petition, gather and present evidence to the court, and effectively present one’s case in court.

This can be particularly crucial in complex cases, where the child’s well-being may be at risk due to parental incapacity, abuse, or neglect. Also, this becomes crucial when the child’s parents contest guardianship.

Child guardianship attorneys in Albuquerque also play a vital role in advocating for the child’s voice to be heard and their needs to be prioritized. They work closely with the child, family members, GAL, and judge.

Are you looking for a top-rated kinship guardianship lawyer in Albuquerque, New Mexico?  Look no further.  Call (505) SANCHEZ and talk with one of New Mexico’s best child guardianship attorneys.




Child guardianship cases can be complex and often involve a variety of challenges that must be navigated with the assistance of a skilled child guardianship attorney. One of the most common challenges is the potential for conflict between the child’s parents and the proposed guardian.

In some cases, parents may be unwilling to relinquish their parental rights or may contest the guardianship proceedings.  Here, the parents may argue that they can provide adequate care for their child. In these situations, the child guardianship attorney must carefully balance the rights and interests of the parents with the child’s well-being, ensuring that the court’s decision is in the best interest of the child.

Another challenge that can arise in child guardianship cases is the need to address the child’s emotional and psychological needs. Children who have experienced trauma, abuse, or neglect may require specialized support and services to help them heal and thrive. The child guardianship attorney must work closely with the court and the appointed GAL to ensure that the child’s unique needs are met.

Are you a loving caregiver that wants legal guardianship over a child in your care?  If so, call Sanchez Legal Team and talk with one of Albuquerque’s best child custody lawyers.

Call (505) SANCHEZ.




Navigating the complex legal landscape of child guardianship can be a daunting task for families in Albuquerque, New Mexico. However, by hiring a skilled child guardianship attorney, families can access a wealth of benefits that can make a significant difference in the lives of children.

One of the primary benefits of working with a child guardianship attorney is their deep understanding of the local laws and regulations. These attorneys are well-versed in the nuances of New Mexico’s kinship guardianship act.  As such, the experienced lawyer can use this knowledge to guide families through the legal process, ensuring that all necessary steps are taken and that the child’s rights are protected.

Additionally, child guardianship attorneys possess a specialized set of skills and expertise that can be invaluable in these types of cases. For instance, a child guardianship attorney can confront the child’s parents in court.  In other words, the attorney becomes a buffer between you and the child’s parents.

This buffer between you and the child’s parents can provide invaluable peace of mind.

Do you have more questions about establishing or revoking child guardianship in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  If so, check out this video on establishing or ending guardianship in New Mexico.






The role of a child guardianship attorney in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is vital in ensuring the rights and well-being of children.

By championing the rights of children, child guardianship attorneys in Albuquerque play a crucial role in addressing issues of abuse, neglect, and parental incapacity.  In doing so, this subsection of family lawyers protection children across New Mexico from unfit parents.

Do you need to establish guardianship, modifying existing arrangements, or revoking guardianship in New Mexico?  If so, a child guardianship attorney can help protect the child that you love.

The Sanchez Legal Team’s excellent family lawyers are here to protect you and your loved ones.  Our team handles uncontested divorce, restraining order of protection, and child custody cases across New Mexico.

Our team thrives in the courtroom.

Call (505) SANCHEZ and speak with Albuquerque’s best child guardianship attorney in New Mexico.