Kinship guardians are caregivers that step into a parent’s shoes, assuming full parental rights for the child in one’s care. Caregivers can request to be appointed as a child’s kinship guardian in the following situations: The child’s parent(s) are living...
Old Man Winter is gone and Spring is back in session. Take a look out of your nearest window and you will see that all across Albuquerque plants and trees are growing and budding back to life. Custody and divorce cases are similar to plants and trees in many...
ESTABLISHING AND REVOKING KINSHIP GUARDIANSHIP IN ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO The Kinship Guardianship Act enables a child’s caregiver to temporarily assume parental rights and responsibilities for a child in one’s care. Under the Kinship Guardianship Act, one may...
What is Violent Custody Disputes in Albuquerque New Mexico Custody disputes generate intense emotions. At the extreme, these emotions can explode into domestic violence and other abusive acts. After the smoke has settled, these violent acts often trigger a number...
How Alcohol and Drug Use Affects Child Custody Disputes During Divorce Case in Albuquerque, New Mexico Substance abuse plays a starring role in a wide range of child custody disputes during divorce case decisions in Albuquerque, New Mexico . A common...
New Mexico Community Property Laws New Mexico’s community property laws are relatively straightforward. Generally speaking, any property/asset accumulated during the marriage is community property and can be divided 50-50 upon divorce. The exception to...