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Terrell Owens and Lowering Child Support in Albuquerque
REDUCING CHILD SUPPORT BASED ON REDUCED INCOME IN NEW MEXICO No one is free from the Wheel of Fortuna’s fickle wrath – one moment you’re on top of the world – kissing your biceps for reporters, being fined thousands of dollars for showboating, and then...
Snow Day and Right to a Speedy Trial
HOW DO SNOW DAYS AFFECT ONE'S RIGHT TO A SPEEDY TRIAL IN BERNALILLO COUNTY, ALBUQUERQUE? The image hanging above like Mistletoe is a picture of Second Judicial District and Metropolitan Court Houses on a beautiful snow day in Albuquerque – minus the...
Drug Convictions and Federal Aid in Albuquerque
How Does a Drug Conviction Affects your Ability to Receive Federal Aid in Albuquerque, New Mexico? For over a decade I’ve heard this question whispered from the Sub Ballroom at UNM to the halls at the Metropolitan Court House. This is one of those...
The Road to Divorce in Albuquerque, New Mexico
One of the most difficult aspects of a divorce is blindly walking through the process not knowing what to expect along the road. Today I want to cast light on the dark subject of divorce by outlining the steps that one should expect to encounter when moving...
What is Prenuptial Agreements in Albuquerque, New Mexico?
It’s fitting that you discovered this blog while navigating through the open seas of the world wide web because today is a beautiful Columbus day in 2011. This weekend I was watching the news and noticed that yesterday afternoon Sir Paul McCartney tied the knot for...
Determining Child Custody And Best Interests of the Child in Albuquerque, New Mexico
DETERMINING CHILD CUSTODY AND BEST INTERESTS OF THE CHILD IN ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO Custody disputes generally arise after a breakup or divorce when the mother and father are unable to reach a amicable agreement on the appropriate child custody and...
The New Del Norte High School
I drove by Montgomery and San Mateo earlier this week and noticed that my alma mater, Del Norte High School, is getting a face lift . . . and by "face lift" I mean that an entirely new school is being constructed to replace the 50 year old building that I...
What Should I Expect To Happen In My Metropolitan Court Case From Beginning to End in Albuquerque, New Mexico?
WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT TO HAPPEN IN MY ALBUQUERQUE METROPOLITAN COURT CASE IN ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO? Are you looking for more information about your case with Albuquerque, New Mexico Metropolitan Court? For many of my clients this is their first experience with...
What Are Requirements for a Valid Search Warrants in Albuquerque, New Mexico?
Your home is provided with the strongest Constitutional protection against illegal searches and seizures. Police need a valid search warrant to enter and search your home unless they are able to demonstrate one of the narrowly defined circumstances that allow...
What Is An Illegal Search and Seizure of Home in Albuquerque, New Mexico?
WHAT IS AN ILLEGAL SEARCH AND SEIZURE OF YOUR HOME IN ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO? Your home is provided with the highest Constitutional protection against unreasonable searches and seizures in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Courts presume that a warrantless search of...
The Sanchez Commitment
I go the extra mile for my clients. I am aggressively professional and will fight for your rights! With more than a decade of courtroom experience, and thousands of positive results, I have the experience needed to attack your legal issue.