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Why Uncontested Divorces Turn Ugly in New Mexico

Why Uncontested Divorces Turn Ugly in New Mexico

  There are a handful of reasons why uncontested divorces turn ugly and fall apart in New Mexico.  With some cases, emotions rise to a point where the two sides no longer can work hand-in-hand and the uncontested divorce becomes contested.  The unique reason for...

How to Work with Your Child’s GAL

How to Work with Your Child’s GAL

  It is crucial to understand how to work with your child’s GAL to achieve your custody and visitation goals. If you are reading these words, it is likely that your child custody case has escalated to the point that a GAL has been appointed.  Before we dig into...

Small Child Full Legal Custody Factors Add Up to a Win

Small Child Full Legal Custody Factors Add Up to a Win

  Small child full legal custody factors add up to a win.  Your child full custody goals are not always accomplished through massive factors that show a parent is unfit to care for a child.  Instead, small issues can add up and tilt the scales in your favor....

Ten Common Parenting Time (Visitation) Questions in New Mexico

Ten Common Parenting Time (Visitation) Questions in New Mexico

  Family law questions come in all shapes and sizes – but there are ten common parenting time (visitation) questions in New Mexico.  Understanding these common questions will give you a better understanding about how New Mexico law and practice will impact your...

Ten Ways to Destroy Your Child Custody Case in New Mexico

Ten Ways to Destroy Your Child Custody Case in New Mexico

  Divorce and child custody cases can spark the fires of anger and resentment.  Roaring anger can cause a parent to lose control over their emotions and actions -- burning the custody case to the ground. Here are ten ways to ruin your child custody case in New...

Fighting About Small Divorce Issues Probably Isn’t Worth It

Fighting About Small Divorce Issues Probably Isn’t Worth It

    Although divorce can trigger a handful of negative emotions -- fighting about small divorce cases probably isn’t worth it.  At times each side to a divorce gets stuck on the concept of being “wronged” or possibly “beating their ex.” This “fight and win”...

Securing Child Support and Alimony with Life Insurance

Securing Child Support and Alimony with Life Insurance

  Divorcing parents often have questions about securing child support and alimony with life insurance.   It is common for one side of the divorcing couple to provide child support or alimony to their former spouse. At times the child or children are young, and...

Parental Rights vs. Child Custody in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Parental Rights vs. Child Custody in Albuquerque, New Mexico

  A battle often occurs when trying to understand parental rights vs. child custody in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Although they are legally different and distinct – parental rights and child custody are often used interchangeably.  The tendency to mix the two...

The Sanchez Commitment

I go the extra mile for my clients. I am aggressively professional and will fight for your rights! With more than a decade of courtroom experience, and thousands of positive results, I have the experience needed to attack your legal issue.

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